who we arE


Elite-level training shouldn’t just be accessible to elite athletes.

Bespoke Conditioning was born out of a desire to make top quality physical training available to everyone.

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Ian Brown is the man in question, having started Bespoke Conditioning whilst still studying at St. Mary’s university, Twickenham.

Everything he does is centred around getting his athletes the best results in their given sport.

This has elevated him to being one of the leading coaches in the area.


Would you trust a brain surgeon who knows the book back to front, but with no practical experience, and who struggles communicating important directions to their team?

For too long, we’ve seen scientifically minded practitioners & coaches without the ability to coach.

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When training with Ian, you’ll not just be spoon fed exercises. You’ll be up-skilled in knowing how and why we train in various ways.

Knowledge is power.

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Having played and coached a high level of rugby whilst Ian was at school, various frustrating injuries kept setting him back.

In hindsight, he realised that there needed to be a cultural change in how schools approached physical preparation for sport.

Too many kids get injured or aren’t able to exhibit their skills because of this.


Ian saw how little support him and his team mates received in terms of injury prevention and sports performance, until he was selected to play for a specialist sports Academy.

challenging the norm.

Ian was determined to give more young athletes, in particular, the opportunity to access the provision of strength and conditioning, and opportunity he wished had as a young sports person.

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Relationships are at the forefront of our coaching. An athlete and coach MUST understand and trust each other.

First and foremost, good communication and being personable have been key to our success.

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Relationships are the foundations that Bespoke Conditioning is built on.

We like to have a coffee with everyone before we get the ball rolling, to really see where you’ve come from, and where you want to get to.

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In the neighbourhood?

Come for a coffee and tell us your sporting aspirations —
we’re based at henley practice, above the bike shop in grey’s rd car park.

Book a free consultation

jump on a call with ian so we can assess what programme will work best for you.

Check out our range services

we offer both in-person and online services —
for teams & individuals, pros & amateurs


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